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Pyrenean Mastiff
mastin de los pireneos, pyrenean mastiff

On this page you can find videos featuring dogs of breed Pyrenean Mastiff.

Videos from walking, dog shows, training on dog parks will let you learn more about this rare breed and see a Pyrenean mastiff in movement. Despite the fact that these dogs can weigh about 100 kg, they do not appear heavyweight. Light and sweeping trot of the Pyrenean mastiff makes his moves elegant. 

How do Pyreneans behave with pets? Friendly, might play, wallow, and even sleep together. The Pyrenean mastiff is noble and brave, it understands its advantage in strength. Mastin will be friends with occupants of your home and, if necessary, will protect. 


Pyrenean Mastiff in Russia.
Puppies, breeding, counseling, cooperation.
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